Next Generation: AI Startups
Dope AI Founders.
Continued Community.

A post-accelerator to foster the growth of pre-seed AI startups toward their seed round by increasing their social capital.


We believe pre-seed artificial intelligence startups represent the next generation, the future if you will, of the innovation economy. Next Generation: AI Startups is our program that provides community and accountability for innovative AI startups that are either coming out of accelerators and similar entrepreneur support programs (like Techstars, Y Combinator, etc.) or have experienced tech startup founders. For up to 12 months, we’re focused on holding founders accountable for making progress toward raising their seed round, making intros to dope people, and helping them grow as leaders and humans. Our aim is to guide you in achieving pivotal business milestones and enhancing your appeal to investors during critical fundraising efforts. Successfully securing these funds both propel your venture forward and advances you to the next level of support within Goodie Nation: the Seed Stage Program.




We’ve partnered with Google Cloud to provide access to exclusive Google Cloud Credits, Google Workspace Business Plus for 1 year (for new signups only), Google Cloud Skills Boost credits for video courses and hands-on labs and dedicated Startup Success Managers. This partnership is designed for early-stage startup founders to unlock the full potential of Google Cloud, including its latest innovations in AI.

Once you raise VC funding, you’ll receive up to $250,000 in credits to cover Google Cloud and Firebase usage in Year 1, and up to $100,000 in credits to cover those in Year 2. You’ll also have access to advanced hands-on learning labs focused on AI.



We’ll assign you a Performance Partner (dedicated business coach) to ensure you’ve set strong priorities and goals, lead your huddle (more on that below) and meet 1:1 each month to dig deeper into the business.



Your Performance Partner will lead virtual Accountability Group Huddles (aka stand ups) with the other founders in the program every two weeks. On the 2nd Monday of each month, you can ask for help on a specific topic and on the fourth Monday of each month, you’ll report on your recent progress, wins, and plan for the upcoming month.



You can ask for help from other founders in your huddle, founders from the larger Goodie Nation community, and the wider expert community as well as book 1:1 meeting time with our VC Fundraising Coach-In-Residence.


Through a combination of accountability groups, industry roundtables, peer connections, warm introductions, and mental health support sessions, Next Generation empowers founders to navigate the complexities of the earliest stage of the tech startup journey with confidence and resilience.

Performance Partner: Dedicated business coach that leads your huddles and meets with you 1:1 each month.

VC Fundraising Coach-In-Residence: Expert you can book complimentary 1:1 coaching sessions with to go over your pitch/pitch deck, discuss fundraising strategy, etc. 

Help Huddles: One hour video calls with our founders held the 2nd Monday of each month where you can ask for strategic or tactical help on a business topic Some people may call these standups.

Progress Update Huddles: One hour video calls with our founders held the 4th Monday of each month where you report the progress made during the month, recent wins, plan for the upcoming month, and needs. Some people may call these standups.

Accountability Reports: Before each huddle, you’ll fill out an online form to rate your morale, describe progress, share wins, and ask for help. You have access to your historical reports via the Founder Platform.

Monthly 1:1’s: 20 minute meetings with your Performance Partner to dig deeper into your company.

VC Readiness Evaluations: 30 minute virtual presentations to actual investors where they rate your pitch, give feedback, etc.

Investor List: For those that pass their VC Readiness Evaluation, a list of investors available for you to get introduced to by our team.

Enterprise Pilot Readiness Evaluations: 30 minute virtual presentations to coaches that have sold startup software to enterprises where they rate your sales pitch and demo, give feedback, etc.

Online Community: Invites to program events like mental health sessions and partner events.

Community Best Practice Huddles: Held on the 4th Tuesday of each month, these are video calls where founders from the various huddles come together to share their best practices on categories like team, product, sales, fundraising, and more. 

Founder + VC Industry Roundtables: Held every 2nd Thursday on video, founders and investors in industries such as Health Education, FinTech, and many more to discuss industry trends, news, opportunities, and more.

All Founders Need Therapy sessions: It’s hard being the leader. Held every 3rd Thursday on video and in select cities in person, this support group gives you the platform to vent about frustrations you’re having being an entrepreneur to other entrepreneurs.

Perks & Discounts: Access to 150+ discounts on products you’ll need to operate your startup and perks with brands like citizenM Hotel.

Recommended Product & Service Providers: Vetted service providers (legal, accounting, tech, etc) that you can hire and products that are good for startups.

Special Event Invitations: Invites to events dinners, happy hours, etc. especially during conferences.

Founder Platform: online portal to view the founders, coaches, investors, and the community, access perks and discounts, and more.


We encourage startups to apply even if they consider themselves on the edge.

AI as Core Technology: Startups that use AI as their core technology to develop their primary products or solutions

Pre-Seed Funding: AI startups not yet funded by an institutional investor or foundation.

Founded in the AI Era: Founded within the last 5 years.



We can’t produce innovative projects without your help! Please consider making a contribution today.


How is this different from existing entrepreneur support programs?

It is meant to compliment them. Next Generation is a post-accelerator. We’re providing access to high-powered social networks in an effort to improve your social capital after you come out of other programs. 

How much does it cost for a startup to participate in the program?

Zero. It’s completely free. And we don’t take any equity. Fundamentally, we don’t believe in charging founders for support. We only ask that you “pay” with your time and effort.

Do you take equity in my company?

Nope. However if a partner wants to make an investment in your startup outside of the official program, then those terms are worked out between you and them. 

How is it possible that this is free?

Because our amazing sponsors, partners, and volunteers want to help create a better world. 

What is the time commitment?

Great question. Its designed to not pull you away from building your company. Expect about 3 hours a month at minimum, and more if you’d like more assistance. Main thing is keeping in contact with your Performance Partner as well as the people we put you in touch with.

Is this initiative only for for-profit companies or can non-profits take part?

Next Generation is best for tech startup for-profit companies.

Is funding provided as part of the program?

Nope, but we do provide a ton of free resources and direction to funding opportunities.

Do I have to be currently fundraising in order to be part of the program?

Nope, but you should be raising within the next 12 months. We’ve designed the program to help you get to the next funding level.

Can I be a solo founder?

We prefer teams of 2+ people as it increases the likelihood of success. It takes a lot to be successful, and it is extremely difficult for one person to do by themself. But if you’re good, then you’re good.

Do we have to be full-time founders?

For the amount of human and social capital we invest, we’re looking for founders that have committed to their companies full-time.

How are you defining diverse founders?

We define “diverse” as people from groups underrepresented in tech: Black, Latinx, and women (from any background), military veterans, LGBTQ+, etc.

How are you defining social entrepreneurs?

We’re defining social entrepreneurs as they those working on economic development, financial access, education, environmental sustainability, health, and safety. The founders may be of any ethnicity.

I’m not in Atlanta. Can my startup participate?

Yep. We have startups from all over the US and few other countries across the world. 

Can my company participate if we've been a part of an accelerator?

Yep. We’ve designed this program to compliment accelerators, and serve as a support system for accelerator alumni.

Do you think it would still be helpful for us to apply if we don’t need to raise money for a while?

We think so. We only make introductions to investors if it makes sense for the startups. But potentially getting strategic partnerships from large companies is helpful to most startups, and the process of preparing for investors is great whether you go for it or not. It makes your company better.

I don't have an idea for a startup yet. Are we eligible to get helped?

We’re looking for those past the idea stage. However, a few of our community partners have programs that help those with only ideas get it out of your head, and refine it.

What is the application process like?

Our application process includes a company application and Funding Level self-assessment as well as video interviews for those that make it past an initial vetting process.

Is the programming in-person or virtual?

Our programming is virtual-first, and in-person in select cities on special occasions.


My organization is part of the entrepreneur support ecosystem. What role can we play?

There’s a bunch of ways to plug in depending on what you want. We can refer startups to your program for training, and/or you can send them our way. You could also provide strategy, product development, marketing, and design coaches.

My company is part of the corporate ecosystem. What role can we play?

In a few different ways. The biggest opportunity is partnering with a company for a pilot. Also, you could serve as industry expert coaches. And you can always be a sponsor!

My organization is part of the social good ecosystem. What role can we play?

You can really help the impact startups whether it’s with domain-specific advice and connections or assistance with strategizing for funding. And, like the others, sponsors are always welcome.

As a sponsor, what type of role can I play?

Great question! Thanks for asking:) To really reach this program’s potential, we’re looking for financial, venue, and food/beverage sponsors.