Archive for June, 2016

Spending The Rest of 2016 in Atlanta Focusing on Gentrification Financial Inclusion

The last 12 months have been marked by tremendous growth for Amplify 4 Good. After working with both companies and communities relative to social impact, we’ve evolved into two distinct organizations: Amplify 4 Good (focuses on companies) and Goodie Nation (focuses on under-served communities). They’re part of my efforts to have a positive impact on …

We're Headed to Memphis This Month to Battle Recidivism Through Innovation

Our tribe is on the move! This time, we’re piloting a six-month Open Source Economic Development Goodie Innovation Lifecycle in Memphis, TN to battleĀ recidivism by improving the job placement rate of the formerly incarcerated. According to the National Institute of Justice, recidivism is one of the most fundamental concepts in criminal justice. It refers to …